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KSSA Committee

Please use the Contact page to contact us via email.

PresidentMartyn Styles
CommodoreJenny Johnson
Vice Commodore (Sailing) Neale Farr
Vice CommodoreDuncan Robb
Rear Commodore Andrew Baker
Secretary Alasdair Baker
TreasurerTom Hirst
Membership SecretaryPaul Hirst
Programme Co-ordinator Neale Farr
Coaches Co-ordinatorBrian Mumford
Team ManagerPaddy Denby
Social MediaAnna Candy
RYA Liaison Steve Mitchell
Safeguarding OfficerSarah Dawkins
Safety Officer
Race Management adviserDave Ellis
Andrew Baker
BosunSimon Herrington
Web MasterPaul Hirst
Trophy Administrator
ClothingCatherine Hodges
Committee MembersElena Setterfield
Emma Macfarlane
Katy Grilli
Julian Irons
Rhonda Elliot

The KSSA Committee is a team of dedicated volunteers who meet 8 times a year.  If you would like to become more involved by joining the KSSA Committee please user the Contact page to email the Commodore.