KSSA Membership is open to youth sailors, parents/guardians and coaches.
- Individual youth sailors living and associated with organisations, within the county of Kent.
- Adults actively involved in supporting KSSA.
- Educational establishments recognised youth groups or national youth organisations within Kent.
Membership categories
- Family membership – £10
Parents/Guardians, plus any number of youth dependents aged 18 or under on 31st August in the current year. - Honorary membership
Coaches, Committee members – awarded at the discretion of the KSSA Committee. - Schools/Youth organisations £50
Group membership – Contact the membership secretary (click here to download the application form)
New Members
Join as new family membership
Signing up is simple using our WebCollect system. You can then use this to securely manage your details online and pre-enter events.
KSSA Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December each year, regardless of the joining date unless you join for the Autumn traning events in which case your membership will run through to the end of the following year.
Please read the Code of Conduct for Parents, Helpers and Coaches and ensure youth sailors have read the Code of Conduct for Sailors
Existing Members
Manage your membership, details, event entries and payments online using WebCollect.
Communication with members will normally be via email. Please note: your personal information will be securely stored in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.
Please continue to pre-enter for events on the Events Page as this helps organisers plan coaching and safety for the event.