2019 Winter Training 2
Get a head start for the 2019 season with our winter training events! Come and join us at Bough Beech Sailing Club for our second event of the year.
Registration opens at 09:00
Briefing is at 10:00 – Rigged AND changed please!
Please pre-enter and pay to save money and help with event planning.
PLEASE NOTE: if this is your first KSSA event of 2019 you will need to join KSSA or renew your membership for the year. This costs just £10 for a family (Parents/Guardians, plus any number of sailors aged 18 or under on 31st August in the current year). It enables you to enter KSSA training and racing events this year. To join or renew, please go to our MEMBERSHIP page and follow the instructions. You can pay online with your event entry or pay cash at your first event. Please note: In the event of cancellation pre-entry will be refunded. (Please refer to our refund policy).
For more information about the venue, please see the Bough Beech web site.
Pre-enter with WebCollect
We use WebCollect to manage our subscriptions and events online. This is an online system, which enables you to update your details, and pay for your membership and event entry online.